Our aim is always to help people move from confusion to clarity—not just the public, but our clients and ourselves too. At Liminal, everything we do is in pursuit of sensemaking.

The problems we face as science communicators can be vast and overwhelming. Though it’s tempting to jump to solutions, doing so is ultimately both ineffective and exhausting. At Liminal, we believe that we must first get clear on where we are, where we want to go, and why. We work primarily with principal investigators, lab groups, and peer cohorts of scientists to creatively adapt their day-to-day practices, with the goal of more sustainable, courageous, and effective science communication.

Each of our projects is custom designed to fit the needs and ambitions of the people we are working with. We are most frequently asked for advice and conversations, keynotes and panels, multi-day workshops, multi-week courses, and ongoing coaching and collaboration. 

Knowledge Transfer

We can give you our insights on the big picture, deep theory, and nuts-and-bolts of science communication. We love sharing curated citations and resources for you to go further on your own. 

Best when:

You don’t know where to start, and need the lay of the land

What this can look like:

  • Lectures, seminars, and keynotes

  • Panels and media interviews

  • “Pick your brain” conversations

Diagnosis & Discovery

We can review your work on a science communication project and share our assessment of the most effective way forward.

Best when: 

You’ve begun a project you care about and feel stuck, or feel ready to take your project to another level. 

What this can look like:

  • Project reviews

  • Commissioned edits (one-off or ongoing)

  • Hands-on group editing clinics


We can dig deeper into the theory and practice of science communication, and iterate together. 

Best when: 

You’re looking to build an ongoing and reflexive science communication practice, and want to do this work in community.

What this can look like:

  • Accountability groups

  • Intensive workshops and trainings e.g. writing practicums

  • Project collaborations

Some of our clients include: